Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My friend drug me out to a rock concert last week.. Because of my height (4'11"), I was suffocated and squeezed like a
tiny split pea in a bag.. I was only able to see people's skin condition & sweaty t-shirts around me and a screen on the stage. As soon as the show started (like 20 mins late, not bad at all), I was jumping up and down too! Ahh~ I love this kind of stuff.. mad bass & drum sound, look at the speaker hung from the ceiling.. it's like a giant black catepillar!

The last concert (in terms of contemporary music) I went was a performance by Bjork, wow, more than 15 years ago..
Yeah, I'm feelin' goo~

By the way, who is heck the Hillsong United?

Monday, June 1, 2009

1.5 days in May

I can't believe it's been 4 months since I posted the last blog... Besides, I was surprised that there was a person
who found and was checking my posts!! Here is the person, Akiko (left), who is one of the artists in the exhibition
"With My Eyes Closed" on view at ISE Cultural Foundation Front Space through June 26th. Come check out her
wood sculptures!

Day 1
Noon - 2pm. Watchced the five-part cinematic work Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest by Yang Fudong at Asia Society.
It's beautiful and you can't stop watching..

2:30pm - 4pm. Experienced the huge installation anthropodino by Ernesto Neto at the Armory on Park Avenue at 67th Street.

The view of the Inside the tent: It's made of translucent fabric and born-looking frames.
Once we entered the building, it was filled with the aroma from all kinds of spices enclosed in the sac and hung from the top of the tent. Some are pungent odor, some smell soothing..

Also there is a play ground under the tent. Take off your shoes and relax.. (Kids get hyper instead.)

Day 2
All day at DIA Beacon.
I felt sleep for an hour in the Andy Warhol's Shadow room.. That was a moment of happiness & the slight sense of guilty
in the midst of my crazy schedule... Thanks Andy..